Sweet Mother’s Reggie Reader Profile #8. Don’t Call it a Blogroll!

I did something I never do today.  I went back and read a blogger’s entire blog from the BEGINNING.  I did it because I was curious.  I ended up thoroughly enjoying it.  Now, this blogger, much like myself, has only been blogging since February of this year.  I began blogging on January 23rd of this year and this blogger began a few weeks after that on February 11th.  Currently, I’m hacking my way out of the blogging doldrums.  I think it’s happening to all of us who started around the new year.  At first, you blog like it’s your job, like it’s your disease, you gain a small (but, hopefully loyal) audience, you set some goals for yourself and what you want out of this blogging thing and hopefully you reach a few of them, and then life gets in the way.


You blog through it or you stop.


Now, I came to this blogger through her comments on my blog.  For a while, I didn’t even realize she was connected to another blogger.  It was nice because I came to know her only through her own blog and the writing (and drawing) she had presented there.


She is this week’s Reggie.  She is immensely talented.  They call her:




I don’t think I need to tell you that this is probably the MOST original Reggie photo I have yet to receive.  I mean look at it.  Much like an art exhibit, you can’t help but look at the photo.  Then you want to look at the photo again because you discover something else.  Wait, is that a carrot?  A suppository?  Vaseline?  Dear God, the sheer scope of the creativity displayed on this WHEEL OF REGULARITY!  It is nothing short of spectacular.  It warmed my heart and made it sing with ear piercing glee when I first feasted my eyes upon it – it truly did.


In my last Reader Reggie Profile, I cheered for that particular reggie to blog some more and now I find myself wanting to do the same thing here.


I want to say, “Come on, LAMENTS, give us more!  Give us more!  For feck sake, I’d watch you finger paint because you’re that good!  I’d watch you paste macaroni on a plate or blow glitter around!”  (Everyone should blow glitter around.)  And she is that good, this Ms. Laments.  She draws and the cartoons are a combination of irreverent, sad, funny, and awesome.  She also writes.  And the writing is great.  And the writing talks about probably one of the hardest topics a writer could ever embark upon – depression, mental health, surviving, and to medicate or not to medicate.  I say this is one of the hardest topics ever because another writer, another writer with less capable hands, would get maudlin and unreadable.  Laments never does so.  She’s highly readable.  So readable that I just read her whole feckin’ blog.


I think you should follow her – click here to do so.  And I know life stuff and head stuff has kept her away from the blogging world, but I am the selfish type, and I do hope she comes back.  Mainly, because I like good and free things to read.  See?  Selfish, but true.


Here’s my laments recommended reads:


Her very first post:  where she talks about her daughter’s 2nd birthday and reflects back on having a child.


Shut in is the new black:  where she talks about agreeing to help out a friend and then backing out after becoming overwhelmed.  (It’s something, she may not realize, we all go through.)


Cool kids:  Laments reflects on her own childhood and whether or not she’s seeing her kids’ childhood as it is or as a projection of her own fears.  (Man, oh, man, laments is at her best when talking about her kids and how it relates to the self.  I’m telling you.)


Brain Rot:  What it feels like to be inside a world of prescription meds.  It’s good.  It’s real.  It’s Prozac Nation without the pomposity.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Laments has a book in her.  Here’s hoping she comes back to blog-world to enchant us all some more, while she writes the feck out of it.


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43 thoughts on “Sweet Mother’s Reggie Reader Profile #8. Don’t Call it a Blogroll!

  1. Thanks, SM for introducing me to this blogger. I will amble over there and some point (hopefully today!) and check her out. The picture is awesome and hugely creative.

    1. it’s the best pic i’ve received so far, i’m telling you… i have a feelin’ she’ll be posting again real soon…click that follow, you’ll like, she’s a good writer. xoxo

  2. I too follow here,,I love her posts and as being someone diagnosed this past feb with Bi-Polar and Depression, it helps to know I’m not alone.
    I actually heard from her last week,,,and she promised that she will be posting again soon,,and I think maybe her and her hubs are in the middle of a move.

    Love your blog and thanks for making me laugh,,even on my down days 🙂

      1. Hahaha, I love this response to your response, which I was going to respond to because I also CANT. KEEP. UP.

      2. i heart the sh*t out of both of you, apostrophe or not, and of course, full of beer. i encourage my blog (and all blogs) to be read while full of beer!!!!! xoxox, sm

  3. I feel like I’m in a cult. I just followed as well. There won’t be some crazy Kool-aid to drink at the end of this….will there?

  4. Thank goodness I already follow her because it’s getting hard to follow all the good bloggers out there! I miss her, too. I hope she’s doing okay…

  5. SM,
    The Ringmistress is the real deal. Love her to death. She’s an outstanding blogger, but also, a loving wife, amazing mom, and a magnificent human being.
    Le Clown

    1. she is indeed. much love, clownly, much love. and we miss you over here in blogland. july 5th, eh. that is a feckin’ eternity in internet-speak! 😉 but, we’ll wait. you’re worth it. xoxo

  6. I am so behind in my reading this week….I missed this. I do think that pic is marvelous! Now I will add someone else to read, perhaps this weekend. I often will slog my way through an entire blog (I did that with yours).

    Thanks for the recommendation.

  7. I ❤ Laments & Lullabies!

    I really want her to blog some more. I would bake her cookies or send offerings of homemade preserves, tortured wool, or random crafty things, if only she would bring back the awesome blogging.

    1. i concur, deedee. i don’t know what it is – gut instinct? – but, i feel she will be back soon. that’s what the internet waves are telling me. and i always listen to them… lool. much love, sm

  8. Hi Sweet Mother! Great post and picture! I’ll do my best to mosey on over and read more. I feel lucky to have so many great referrals.
    I can relate to the blogging doldrums or is it just that summer is tempting us to walk away? Seems like many bloggers have slowed their posts to a trickle. Myself included.

    1. i know we all have the summer blahs, now don’t we! i’m trying to work my way through them, but not always sure i succeed! anyway, glad you liked the post. much love, sm

  9. ALRIGHT ALREADY! We have successfully moved all our dirty furniture from the perilous grasp of a fiendish landlord into a small but sweet, batshit-crazy-landlord-free, apartment.
    I therefore have no more excuses to not write. So I will. You have my word.
    Thank you for the glowing review of my brain drool. You, Sweet Mum, are a frickin’ star. How I’ve missed you. And everyone. xo

    1. ‘Twas (can one say ’twas?) my pleasure. You are a talent. And we have totes missed you, damn it! i can’t wait to read your newest post!! xoxoxo, sm

    1. hmmmmm, strange. tho i’ve heard rumblings from other people about other blogs along the same lines. i don’t trust that feed reader, not one bit! xo

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